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  • MRC Pre-Employment Transition Services Referral and Consent Form

    If you or your student is interested in participating in CLW’s Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) program, please fill out the Referral and Consent Form. If you have any questions on the form or would like a hard copy of this form, please contact Noelle Balutis at Filling out this form does not guarantee enrollment. This form is HIPPA compliant and encrypted.

  • I. Demographics

  • (not required)
  • (mark all that apply)
  • (only fill in if relevant)
  • (only fill in if relevant)
  • II. Family/Emergency Contact

  • III. School Information

  • IV. Services Requested

    (please check off all boxes that apply)
  • V. Consent for Service

  • I am requesting Pre-Employment Transition Services based upon the criteria that I am a student with a disability. I understand I will need to meet with a Pre-ETS Provider and develop a service plan that will be approved by MRC before I start receiving services. I understand that, as a recipient of services from MRC, I have the right to seek advocacy services from the Client Assistance Program (CAP) at 1-800-478-1234 or http://www.dlc-

    For the specific purpose of participation in Pre-Employment Transition Services, I grant permission for the service provider to exchange information with the schools, authorized personnel, and MRC to verify services were provided to me.

  • ** if student is under 18 or has a legal guardian, their parent/guardian signature is required**
  • Clear Signature
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Clear Signature
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Clear Signature
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