FI Transition Fact Sheet
Updated 11/1/21
- Beginning January 1, 2022, Tempus Unlimited will become the only Fiscal Intermediary (FI) serving the MassHealth Personal Care Attendant (PCA) and MFP Self-Directed Waiver programs
- All Consumer-employers and PCAs who DO NOT CURRENTLY use Tempus Unlimited as their FI must complete and return paperwork to Tempus Unlimited before December 17, 2021, at the very latest.
- Note: If a consumer or PCA currently uses Tempus Unlimited as their FI, they do not need to take any action
- Tempus has already mailed pre-filled forms to all Consumers and PCAs who are affected by the transfer.
- Any Consumer/PCA who has already received their forms must complete them and return them to Tempus Unlimited right away
- Any Consumer/PCA who has not received the forms should contact Tempus Customer Service and/or visit the Tempus transition website. Tempus will mail new pre-filled forms to any Consumer or PCA, upon request.
- Consumers and PCAs can complete their forms by:
- Filling out the pre-filled forms they received in the mail
- Contacting Tempus to ask for pre-filled forms to be mailed to their home
- Filling out their forms online through the Tempus “Paperworkr” application (for more information, visit the Tempus transition website, or call/email Tempus customer service)
- Downloading blank forms from the Tempus transition website and filling them out
- Completed forms should be immediately returned to Tempus by email, mail, or fax:
- Email:
- Fax: (800) 359-2884
- Mail: 600 Technology Center Dr., Stoughton, MA 02072
- Consumers or PCAs with questions can also join an online help session, hosted by Tempus staff:
- Help sessions are hosted three times per week:
- Mondays from 4pm-5pm
- Wednesdays from 9am-10am
- Friday from 12pm-1pm
- Help session links and information can be found by visiting the Tempus transition website and clicking “Get Help”
- Help sessions are hosted three times per week:
Consumers or PCAs with questions should: |
or Contact Tempus Customer service at: 877-479-7577 or |
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