CLW has your back! Center for Living and Working has Rapid COVID Self-Test kits available for our consumers. The best way to stay safe is to get tested.
Please reach out to the agency if you have been exposed and need a self-test kit.
Center for Living and Working Contact Information
Voice: 508-798-0350
TTY: 508-755-1003
Video Phone: 508-762-1164
Email: opsearch@centerlw.org
COVID-19 self-tests are one of many risk-reduction measures, along with vaccination, masking, and physical distancing, that protect you and others by reducing the chances of spreading COVID. At-home tests allow you to collect your own sample and test it with a system that gives you results in minutes at home. These tests, called antigen tests, work by looking for the presence of specific proteins associated with the coronavirus. If they are detected, a positive result appears on a test strip in a matter of minutes, much like a home pregnancy test. Center for Living and Working has Self-Test Kits available for consumers. Please reach out today if you need one.
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